Thursday, December 26, 2019

Expectancy and Role Conflicts Illustrated in Everybody...

Expectancy and Role Conflicts Illustrated in Everybody Loves Raymond Learning to communicate efficiently and manage conflict successfully is challenging. Gaining cooperation between people is complex and mentally demanding. Communication ways and conflict styles are deeply woven into our personalities. Conflict is the expressed struggle of interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, interference from the other party in achieving those goals, and the perception of scarce resources. Perceptions are just as important as reality in regards to conflict. As stated in the text, â€Å"we encounter conflict as we compete for acceptance, love, recognition, position, power, success, and many other goals. Judgments of the quality of†¦show more content†¦The conflict here is that Robert’s goals were to experience the freedom from his parents and not Amy. If either had used perception checking, it is possible that their conflict would have ended. The Attribution Theory is based upon assigning meanings for another’s behavior. Wha t we think to be true is not always accurate. It is necessary to implement proactive strategies such as perception checking. Perception checking involves three components. They are as stated: 1. A complete description of behavior observed 2. Provide two possible interpretations of the observed behavior 3. Request for clarity In either case, both Robert and Amy entered the termination stage together. As stated earlier and expressed here, conflict usually occurs because of incompatible goals. Incompatible goals are often perceived in dialectical tensions of relationships. Leslie Baxter formulated the Relationship Dialectical Theory. Usually it is opposing tensions that bring people into conflicts in relationships. The number one cause for break ups is the relational dialectic, integration/separation. The two opposing forces at war are the desire to bond (Amy) and the desire for autonomy (Robert). Dr. McKinney illustrates these tensions as a contradiction; the idea of conflict between desires in a relationship. Mediation is a wonderful process in negotiating a solution between two parties thwarted byShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesDecision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesreliable and intelligently constructed account. The opening chapter carefully and helpfully explains terms, including ‘theory’ and ‘epistemology’ that can form an unexplored bedrock to texts in the field. It then offers thoughtful, scholarly and well-illustrated discussions of prominent theoretical perspective, including managerialism and postmodernity, supported by specified learning outcomes and guides to further reading. Dr Paul Tosey, University of Surrey, UK The field of organization theory is extremelyRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words   |  185 Pagespublication are available for sale from the California Department of Education. For prices and ordering information, please visit the Department Web site at re/pn or call the CDE Press Sales Office at 1-800-995-4099. An illustrated Educational Resource Catalog describing publications, videos, and other instructional media available from the Department can be obtained without charge by writing to the CDE Press Sales Office, California Department of Education, 1430 N StreetRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words   |  534 Pages203 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS................................ 206 INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY .................................. 219 HUMAN RESOURCE CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATEGY ............................................................ 232 STRATEGY-DRIVEN ROLE BEHAVIORS AND PRACTICES ........................................................... 237 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITY TYPOLOGY............................................................ 239 CLASSIFYING HUMAN RESOURCE TYPES................. 245Read MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesEngineering 388 viii 11 PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT 401 CONTENTS The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster 403 The Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster 453 Packer Telecom 460 Luxor Technologies 462 Altex Corporation 466 Acme Corporation 470 12 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT 473 Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing 475 Scheduling the Safety Lab 478 Telestar International 480 The Problem with Priorities 482 13 MORALITY AND ETHICS 485 The Tylenol Tragedies 487 14 MANAGING SCOPE CHANGES Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesformulation for a wide audience of public and commercial stakeholders. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Questions On Juvenile And Juvenile Justice System

1. I d recommend you begin your paper with a paragraph that states both your theory and your approach. Share that the juvenile justice system should take into account the evidence that a juvenile s brain--specifically the white matter that controls the brain s executive functions-- has not completely formed. You will layout the biological evidence for this and then through the use of a recent case show the gaps in the current court system as well as make recommendations for how to address youth in the juvenile system in a more effective manner. 2. Great use of Jacob s case study. I d state directly that you will explore this topic with a recent case in mind. I wonder if there s another source to Jacob s Psychology Today or even better a peer reviewed source. But no worries, if not. Juvenile brain development studies show conclusively that our brains are not fully developed until we reach the age of 25. Should we or can we take this into account in the juvenile justice system? Juvenile brain development studies have conclusively shown that our brains are not fully developed until we reach the age of 25. Research has shown that the white matter in the brain, which controls insights, judgment, self-awareness and empathy, is one of the last parts to fully mature. This lack of fully developed executive functions should be taken into account in the juvenile justice system. Jacob Ind, as any child, deserved the love and protection of his parents.Show MoreRelatedAttitudes Toward The Juvenile Justice System1436 Words   |  6 Pagesresearcher explores Attitudes toward the Juvenile Justice System amoung Juvenile Deliinquents. Data will gathered using surveys. A total of 80 people are expected to participate in the research. The initial hypothesis in this study is Respondents living in single family homes are more likely to feel the Juvenile Justice System is non-effective than those living with both parents.. I. Introduction A system put in place to deal with Juveniles has been around for over 100 years. DuringRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency And The Juvenile Justice System1299 Words   |  6 Pageshis life to troubled juveniles once said, â€Å"I believe that the kids who are labeled â€Å"good† are children who know how to solve their problems and manage their behavior and social life, and the kids who are labeled â€Å"bad† are kids who don’t know how to solve those problems.† Every day, kids are committing illegal acts of varying severity. Some are involved in petty robberies, others involved in murders and rape. These juveniles become the responsibility of the juvenile justice system which is tasked withRead MoreJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency1322 Words   |  6 PagesVersion). Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid-1900’s â€Å"about one-fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 18† (Funk Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency (Funk Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile delinquency and reduces recidivism. â€Å"From the beginning, the principal consideration of the juvenile courtsRead MoreJuveniles and The Death Penalty Essay1604 Words   |  7 PagesJuveniles and The Death Penalty *No Works Cited One of the most controversial issues in the rights of juveniles today is addressed in the question, Should the death penalty be applied to juveniles? For nearly a century the juvenile courts have existed to shield the majority of juvenile offenders from the full weight of criminal law and to protect their entitled special rights and immunities. In the case of kent vs. United states in 1996, Justice Fortas stated some of these special rightsRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System1313 Words   |  6 Pages Today s concept of the juvenile justice system is relatively new due to significant modifications in policy overtime. The justice system has been trying to figure out effective ways to treat juvenile criminal offenders successfully for years. The justice system did not always have a special category for juveniles and their crime. Juveniles was once treated as adults when they committed crimes and were subjected to harsh punishments. The juvenile court was the culmination of efforts of the positivistRead MoreEssay on Juveniles Tried as Adults843 Words   |  4 PagesFinal : Question #1 A juvenile being tried as an adult is a very sensitive and controversial issue over the past years. There has been a significant increase in the number of juvenile offenders being tried in adult courts for serious crimes. Juveniles should be tried as adults depending on the seriousness of the crime that they commit. There are many factors that contribute to juvenile courts and to what extent a juvenile should be tried as an adult. The juvenile justice system was intendedRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is A Problem1508 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile Delinquency When looking into the history of United States and elsewhere juvenile delinquency is a problem and has been one for over a century. Like other systems in place, the system involving juvenile delinquents has gone through many stages. In the case of the juvenile delinquency, it has gone through four stages, with us presently in the fourth. The causes behind juvenile delinquency are still unknown even today. Some blame it on the current culture, the over-exposure to violenceRead MoreJuvenile vs Adult Justice System Essay989 Words   |  4 PagesAdult Justice v Juvenile Justice System There is no question that if a person is involved in any type of crime they will at some time make their way through the justice system. However, when that person is an adolescent they will go through the juvenile justice system, as an adult would go through the adult justice system. Even though the crimes of each can be of the same manner or hold the same severity the punishment results can differ. The main reason for having the two different justiceRead MoreThe Rate Of Juvenile Delinquency Essay1625 Words   |  7 Pagesfiltered down to the juvenile justice system. The sharp increase in adolescent and young adult homicides in the late 1980s and early 1990s (Cook Laub, 1998) was tied to the presumed new wave of juvenile â€Å"superpredators† There were three main assumptions for the rise in crime of juveniles that consist of: the relative proportion of serious and violent offenders among all juvenile delinquents was growing; that juvenile offenders were becoming younger and younger; and that juveniles were committing moreRead MoreAdult Criminal Justice System Of North Carolina1110 Words   |  5 PagesUnder North Carolina’s General Statute 7B 1604a, any juvenile who commits a criminal offense on or after the juvenile s sixteenth birthday is subject to prosecution as an adult (â€Å"Limitations†). North Carolina remains one of only two states in America t hat automatically prosecutes all 16- and 17-year-olds in the adult criminal justice system regardless of the severity of the crime they commit; punishments served to students involved in something as trivial as fist-fight in a local high school cafeteria

Monday, December 9, 2019

Responsibilities of the HR Director and Line Manager

Question: Describe the responsibilities of the HR Director and Line Manager in the selection process? Answer: The main responsibility of the Human Resource director and line manager in the procedure of selection of an employee is to make them aware of all the facts and circumstances relating to the employment and also about the benefits available for the employees; they are also responsible to describe the risk factors in course of the employment. There are various factors relating to the selection process and the same number of responsibilities is also there for HR directors and Line managers. The following are the some of the responsibilities of HR director and Line manager:1. Job description: The HR director makes sure that the job description is properly written for all the staffs in process of selection. The Line manager of the company may write job description for the purpose of direct report (Sparrow, 2010).2. Recruitment: The HR director is empowered to look after all the factors relating to the selection procedure in general especially the documentation process. Line manager might b e responsible for selection as well as recruitment of direct reports (Wright, 2011).HR director with the approval of executive director selects and recruits all the direct reports. The Line manager is empowered to conduct the screening procedure in accordance with the specified protocol.HR director look after the entire procedure in relation to the screening and makes necessary changes in such procedure if needed. 3. Orientation: The HR director as well as the Line manager of the company in the process of selection specifies the orientation of the business and the further perspective as to orientation just after selection (Grensing-Pophal, 2010).4. Compensation and benefits: The Line manager takes part while deciding the compensation and benefits for the new employees and the HR director conveys the amount of compensation as well as other benefits to the candidates in the selection procedure. In case of negotiation of salary or other benefits for the employees that also be done by the HR director of the concern company, these negotiation is subject to prior approval from the Executive director of the concern company (DiMartile, 2012).5. Conveying rules and regulations: In the course of the selection of a new employee the HR director is responsible to make the candidate aware of all the facts relating to the rules and regulations of the company. The Line manager takes part in process of the com pany ion relation to any amendment in the existing rules and regulations of the company.6. Health and safety: The HR director of the company is liable to disclose all the factors relating to the health and safety measures taken by the company and the kind of risk is carrying by the employee in the course of the employment, to the applicant of the employment at the time of selection process, it is the duty of the Line manager to look after the things that whether the facts relating to the risk and safety is properly described or not in the procedure of selection. References DiMartile, D. (2012). Understanding the secrets to career advancement. Bloomington, IN: IUniverse Inc.Grensing-Pophal, L. (2010). Human resource essentials. Alexandria, Va.: Society for Human Resource Management.Sparrow, P. (2010). Leading HR. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Wright, P. (2011). The chief HR officer. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wilhelm Wundt free essay sample

Today, Wilhelm Wundt is known as â€Å"the father of psychology. † He is duly credited with this title, for in 1879, he was the first person to create the first psychological laboratory dedicated to the experimentation of psychology. Wundt was attempting to measure the â€Å"atoms of the mind,† which was the fastest and simplest mental processes by using a machine to measure the time lag between a person hearing a ball hit a platform and their pressing of a telegraph key. As a result, this lab was established, and the psychological laboratory in the University of Leipzig was recognized and headed by Wundt and soon thereafter became a learning center for all those interested in psychology. It was at around this time that he established his famous theory of introspection. Introspection could also be called self- observation and this method made people look inward and retell the different experiences they had when they did different things like smelling or tasting something. We will write a custom essay sample on Wilhelm Wundt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though sensations are technically outside the mind, they were considered psychological. This was used to find the mind’s structural elements by both Wundt and his student Edward Titchener. The studies he and his students had also done were on perception and sensation along with studies on vision and reaction time. Wundt taught many other students as well, passing on his knowledge of psychology and he also published 53,000 pages worth of psychology on various subjects including books like The Principles of Physiological Psychology and the ten volume Volkerpsychologie , the latter published when he became interested in cultural psychology when he realized that experimental psychology only covered the surface of psychology in general. These many accomplishments of Wundt only solidify his title of â€Å"the father of psychology. †

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Ramsey Campbell Analyzed

John (Ramsey) Campbell, a twentieth century British writer, has been said to be creating â€Å"his own patented brand of short horror tale[s],† (â€Å"Horror Fiction,† 86). From the 1970’s to present day, the comparisons to H.P. Lovecraft and the examinations of his short stories have been numerous. These findings give evidence to Campbell’s concern with the psychological horror. Ever since he picked up his first issue of â€Å"Weird Tales† he has been enthralled with these terrors. In his short story, â€Å"The Sneering†, it can be analyzed in regard to symbolism, tone and characterization. Campbell’s most memorable childhood memories were those of being petrified. He had begun to read adult horror fiction at age eight to crave his hunger for terror. He soon began writing at eleven years of age. He knew that â€Å"most writers start by imitating their favorites† (PSFG, 1), so he pursued in imitating his favorite author, H.P. Lovecraft. Further more his own home life affected his work. His mother went mad, and the fear of his father was tremendous. Even Campbell himself declared that â€Å"while the supernatural elements in these tales weren’t autobiographical, the feelings were,† (PSFG, 2). John Ramsey Campbell, born in 1946, originates from a town called Liverpool. He publicated his first novel Demons by Daylight in 1973, and released his debut work of fiction in 1976, entitled The Doll Who Ate His Mother. While writing his early novels he had been working at the tax office and library as well. After he published his second collec tion he decided to write full time. He received his first literary award, the World Fantasy Award, for â€Å"The Chimney† in 1978. He later received this award again in 1980. Another award he earned was the British Fantasy Award, which he grasped in 1978 for â€Å"The Bag.† This award was also received in 1980, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1994. In 1992 he commemorated thirty years of... Free Essays on Ramsey Campbell Analyzed Free Essays on Ramsey Campbell Analyzed John (Ramsey) Campbell, a twentieth century British writer, has been said to be creating â€Å"his own patented brand of short horror tale[s],† (â€Å"Horror Fiction,† 86). From the 1970’s to present day, the comparisons to H.P. Lovecraft and the examinations of his short stories have been numerous. These findings give evidence to Campbell’s concern with the psychological horror. Ever since he picked up his first issue of â€Å"Weird Tales† he has been enthralled with these terrors. In his short story, â€Å"The Sneering†, it can be analyzed in regard to symbolism, tone and characterization. Campbell’s most memorable childhood memories were those of being petrified. He had begun to read adult horror fiction at age eight to crave his hunger for terror. He soon began writing at eleven years of age. He knew that â€Å"most writers start by imitating their favorites† (PSFG, 1), so he pursued in imitating his favorite author, H.P. Lovecraft. Further more his own home life affected his work. His mother went mad, and the fear of his father was tremendous. Even Campbell himself declared that â€Å"while the supernatural elements in these tales weren’t autobiographical, the feelings were,† (PSFG, 2). John Ramsey Campbell, born in 1946, originates from a town called Liverpool. He publicated his first novel Demons by Daylight in 1973, and released his debut work of fiction in 1976, entitled The Doll Who Ate His Mother. While writing his early novels he had been working at the tax office and library as well. After he published his second collec tion he decided to write full time. He received his first literary award, the World Fantasy Award, for â€Å"The Chimney† in 1978. He later received this award again in 1980. Another award he earned was the British Fantasy Award, which he grasped in 1978 for â€Å"The Bag.† This award was also received in 1980, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1994. In 1992 he commemorated thirty years of...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

17 Possible Career Paths for Biology Majors

17 Possible Career Paths for Biology Majors Are you thinking of getting (or are you in the process of getting) a degree in biology? Fortunately, students who graduate with a degree in biology have more career options than just teaching or going to medical school - although those can be awesome careers, too. 17 Careers for Biology Majors Work for a science magazine. Interested in all kinds of biology? Or maybe just one particular field, like marine biology? Find a cool science magazine you love and see if theyre hiring.Work at a research company. There are some amazing companies out there doing some pretty amazing research. Use your degree and training to get in on the action.Work at a hospital. You dont always have to have a medical degree to work at a hospital. See what options are open for those with a science background.Work at a non-profit focusing on science. You can work for an organization that teaches science to kids or that helps improve the environment. And you can sleep well at night knowing that youre really doing good work all day, every day.Teach! Love biology? You probably do because you had an awesome mentor introduce you to it at some point during your education. Pass that passion on to someone else and make a difference in the lives of kids.Tutor. If full-time teaching isnt your thing, consider tut oring. While science/biology might come easily to you, it doesnt for everyone. Work for the government. Working for the government may not have been what you imagined yourself doing with your degree, but it can be a cool job you enjoy while also helping your country (or state or city or county).Work for an environmental company. It can be a non-profit or a for-profit, but helping  to protect the environment is a great way to put your biology degree to work.Work in agriculture and/or botany. You can work for a company that helps improve farming or one focusing on biomimicry.Work for a science museum. Consider working for a science museum. You can be involved in cool projects, interact with the public, and see all the neat stuff that happens behind the scenes.Work for the zoo. Love animals? Consider working at the zoo and having the kind of job that rarely, if ever, requires the stuffy suit-and-tie routine.Work at a veterinary office. If the zoo isnt your thing, consider working at a veterinary office. You can put your biology degree to work while also having a n interesting, engaging job. Work at a food research company. Many companies need food researchers with a background in science. Jobs like these are definitely non-traditional and super interesting.Work at a pharmaceutical company. If youre interested in medicine but arent sure if medical school is your thing, think about working at a pharmaceutical company. Your background in biology can be put to good use as you work to create products that will improve the lives of many people.Work for a perfume or makeup company. Love makeup and perfume, or at least find them interesting? Those pretty little products have a lot of science behind them - science you can get involved in.Work at a college or university. You dont necessarily need to be a professor or have a doctorate to work at a college or university. See what departments are hiring that can put your training to use.Consider joining the military. The military can be a fantastic place to put your degree in biology to use, continue your training, and help your co untry. Check in with a local recruiting office to see what options are available.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Modern pricing models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Modern pricing models - Essay Example In essence, MAPM is the foundation for picking an effective or set of pricing models by a firm. In this essay, the researcher purposes to uncover various modern pricing models (MPM) and showcase how useful they are for a particular company based on their financial application and compare each model’s use with the Jump Diffusion Models for options as well as evaluate the volatility smile. Such MPM as Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), Merton Model, Jump Diffusion Model for Option, Heston Model, and Bates Model will form the bedrock of this discussion. In every financial modeling for pricing options, the main purpose of applying the financial model is through the determination of correct prices after evaluating a number of generated predictions. Similarly, the same case applies to the geometric Brownian motion model, which is an assumption of stock price behavior used by various models through simulations to determine the future prices of stock, especially in the options and stock prices for investors. As such, investors get to learn how best to place their investments judging from the future expected price changes of a given stock price or of an option. A geometric Brownian motion (GBM), or an exponential Brownian motion, refers to a stochastic process that runs continuously over time in which case the logarithm of the randomly varying quantity follows a Wiener process, or the Brownian motion with a drift. The Brownian motion is a significant example of the stochastic processes that satisfy a stochastic differential equation (SDE). Most applications of Brownian motion incorporate, in particular, mathematical finance, especially in consideration of the model stock prices, such as is the case with Black-Scholes model. As such, the geometric Brownian motion is a core building block of modern finance. This is particularly in the case of the Black Scholes model whereby the underlying stock price is assumedly in line with the principles and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Research Paper Example as a key driver behind the phenomenal success that the company has been able to achieve in the past decade or so. Certainly, when one views Apple Inc.’s extensive product portfolio in the technology industry, the immediate reaction that is garnered with regards to the success of the product reflects upon the idea that the triumph of the product is only attributable to innovation and creativity. More so, one also feels that Apple Inc. has been able to stand out in the market because time and again the organization has been able to beat competitors like Microsoft and Samsung by deliberating what the customer wants and then acting upon that deliberation. However, innovation in product design and execution is not something that happens by chance and it most certainly is not one facet of organizational success. Through this article I learned that it is in fact possible for a company to base its future direction on the design of the product that appeals the market and reaches out to the customer. I believe that the crux of Heracleous’s analysis regarding Apple Inc.’s product design and associated decisions lies in emphasizing upon how the company is able to develop a convergence. As noted by the author, â€Å"†¦the company has helped to accelerate the blurring of industry boundaries through the spread of devices that offer convergent technologies† (Heracleous 3). In this segmnent of the discussion the author emphasizes upon the need to take such product design decisions that demonstrate risk and audacity through the integration of a surprise element. Many a times while conducting research that is related to operations management and enhancing the issues that are associated with process management, companies choose to ignore the minor faults in the product design itself which maybe hindering the successful execution of tasks. Discussing the matter with respect to process decision making at Apple Inc. it can be identified that the company basis its

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Essay of dream act Essay Example for Free

Essay of dream act Essay Course Description: This course is an examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. Course Objectives: upon successful completion of this course students will- a. Identify the historical roots of early childhood education. b. List different program types, delivery systems and licensing and regulation structures in early childhood settings. c. Demonstrate awareness of developmental ages and stages. d. Define developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate practice. e. Describe why access to play is important for all children and ways of using a play-based curriculum as a vehicle for developing skills, dispositions, and knowledge. f. Describe appropriate adaptations (programmatic, curricular and environmental strategies) needed to support children with diverse abilities and characteristics. g. Identify and compare effective policies, practices and environments in early childhood settings. h. Describe the characteristics of effective relationships and interactions between early childhood professionals, children, families and colleagues and examine the importance of collaboration. i. Describe the relationship of  observation, planning, implementation, and assessment in effective programming. j. Compare and contrast principles of positive guidance and identify strategies for different ages. k. Identify practices promoting positive classroom management, guidance, communication and problem-solving skills. l. Develop strategies to maintain communication and access with English language learning families and children. m. Demonstrate skills to maintain positive team relations. n. Explain child development as a profession, including ethics and professional organizations. o. Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives. p. Develop and articulate a professional philosophy. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Examine the value of play as a vehicle for developing skills, knowledge, dispositions and strengthening relationships among young children. 2. Analyze the relationship between observation, planning, implementation and assessment in developing effective teaching strategies and positive learning and development. 3. Assess early childhood settings, curriculum and teaching strategies utilizing indicators of quality early childhood practice that support all children including those with diverse characteristics and their families. 4. Interpret best and promising teaching and care practices as defined within the field of early care and education including an historic overview, range of delivery systems, program philosophies and ethical standards. 5. Identify the underlying theoretical perspective in forming a professional philosophy. 6. Examine a variety of guidance and interaction strategies to increase children’s social competence and promote a caring classroom community. This Course Meets NAEYC Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation Standard 5: Becoming a Professional- Students prepared in associate degree programs identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that  integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies. Attendance and Participation: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. As future ECE professionals, students must demonstrate the commitment to professional standards through good attendance and punctuality. Please arrive on time and do not leave early. It reflects badly on you and you will miss important class materials. Attendance and participation are vital to success in this, or any other college-level course. Students may not make up in-class activities, nor may they complete those activities early. Journal writing is completed and in-class points are recorded at different times throughout the class session. If you are unable to attend the full class session regularly, you should arrange to take another section of this class. It is always the student’s responsibility to acquire class materials for any missed class time. DO NOT phone or email the instructor for missed class materials. Towards this end, students are encouraged to obtain a â€Å"phone or email buddy†, get the number or email address of a classmate and agree to share information when one or the other is absent. This instructor makes use of BlackBoard. All assignments and handouts are available via our course shell and some assignments may be submitted in BlackBoard as well. Students who miss the first class without notifying the instructor will be dropped. Excessive absences (more than 2) may result in the student being dropped from the class. However, students should not assume that poor attendance will automatically result in a Withdrawal. It is the student’s responsibility to contact Enrollment Services and the instructor to arrange to drop a course. Students learn best when they feel comfortable and â€Å"safe† . To this end, each student will be expected to come to class prepared, to be courteous of fellow classmates, and to actively participate in the learning process. This means that you will have read the material in preparation for discussion in class and will bring questions and comments about assignments to class. Students who are active learners do best in all academic arenas and are best prepared to teach young children how to be active learners. If any student has a problem, question, concern, and/or special learning need, it is expected that these will be discussed, in private, with the instructor. Note: This college abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation  Act of 1973 that stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education â€Å"solely by reason of a handicap†. If you have a documented disability, which limits a major life activity that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodation, please discuss that with your instructor during the first two weeks of class. In addition, please seek the support of the Disabled Students Programs and Services at 773-2535 –so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. Classroom Routines and Expectations: Each day class will follow the same routine with some variations for special class trips or projects. When you enter the classroom, please check in with the instructor. Pick up your folder and remove any graded work. Keep your folder with you until the end of the class session. Place any work to be graded in the folder and return it to the instructor prior to leaving. We will have a short â€Å"meeting† to clarify the class objectives and tasks for the day. After meeting students will have one to one and a half hours of self-directed work time. During this time students may complete chapter reading, work on individual papers or projects, work on group papers or projects (quietly so that those working on individual projects are not disturbed). During the self-directed portion of class, each student will meet with the instructor for 5-10 minutes. This is the time to address questions, concerns, or problems that you are not comfortable discussing in the large class. During the class schedule there will be tasks set up for each group/individual to complete. All tasks must be completed each class session for full points. Prior to leaving for the day, there will be a large group discussion and time for questions at the end of class each day. Turn in your folder with any work to be graded prior to leaving for the day. Assignments and Grades: Assignment Points Possible Total Points Earned Chapter Reflections Observations 7 @ 10 points each 5 @ 10 points each 70 50 Historical Project 1 2 10 points 10 Philosophy Statement Portfolio In Class Work 1 @ 10 points 1 @ 10 points 10 @ 5 points each 10 10 50 Grade Scale: 200-180=A 179-160= B 159-140=C 139-120=D 119-0=F Instructor Expectations: One of the goals of this class is to prepare students to be successful professionals. Part of having a successful image is the ability to produce neat, legible, coherent, grammatically correct, and thorough written materials. To allow anything less is to improperly prepare students for their upcoming careers. Note: It will be impossible for students to earn an â€Å"A† on any work not demonstrating college-level writing standards, regardless of the quality of the content. (See attached sheet for clarification of college level writing standards.) The instructor will spend time and energy in class working on papers, PowerPoint, and presentations so that you can turn in your best work. Student Responsibilities: It is recommended that students make copies of all assignments before they are turned in and that each graded assignment be retained after it has been returned. (It is rare that assignments get lost or grades incorrectly recorded, but this practice will assure grade accuracy). Students need to keep track of their grades/progress to ensure accuracy. Grades are posted in Blackboard and student must track grades as they are earned. If you observe an error, bring it to the instructor as soon as possible. Bring the graded paper to the instructor; grades are not changed upon your word alone. Students are welcome to meet privately with the instructor to discuss their progress. Student Handbook and other important information: The Student Conduct Standards for student behavior are outlined in the college catalog. All students are expected to know and adhere to the conduct standards. Students who are disruptive to the instructor or other students, insubordinate, demeaning or threatening through verbal or physical means will be expelled from class and the instructor will institute college disciplinary action against such students. Be Courteous: Turn off cell phones while in class. Do not take calls or text. It is distracting to other students and to you! If there is an emergency so dire that you must be on-call, please put your phone on vibrate and leave the room to take a call. Do not engage in side discussions during class. It is likewise distracting to those around you. For the optimal grade, focus your time and energy on the classroom experience. Final Note: Although your instructor is sympathetic to the difficulties that students who are also parents encounter as they try to juggle the dual responsibilities that they shoulder, it is against COD policy to allow students to bring minor children to class (unless that child is enrolled in the course). Please make arrangements for back-up child care for the â€Å"last minute emergencies† that are bound to occur. Thank you. Early Childhood Education Obligation of Confidentiality As a student in the Early Childhood Education program, I, ________________________ Agree to respect and maintain the commitment to children, families, colleagues, and community as set forth in the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Code of Ethical Conduct. AS a major component of this commitment I agree to respect the right to privacy of children, their families, ECE colleagues, and programs by not disclosing any knowledge, records, or other confidential information to anyone. This means that I will not discuss, repeat, or share information about children, families, colleagues, and programs outside of class or directed assignments. I may share information that is pertinent to classroom discussions regarding quality programming, as long as all identities (individual and program) are protected. I will abide by this obligation of confidentiality and recognize that unauthorized release of confidential information may make me subject to a civil actio n under the provisions of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Signed:_______________________________________ Date:_________________________________________ College Level Writing Standards As you complete your work, review the following questions: Presentation: Is your paper typed (12 pt. font), double-spaced, and have 1† margins? Do you include a properly formatted cover sheet? Does your paper use Times New Roman, Arial, or other standard font? Ink color is black. Grading Rubric is attached. Writing: Is your paper well organized? Does your response have a clear plan? Is it developed logically? Is there an introduction and a conclusion? Are the paragraphs linked with transitional devices? Are the paragraphs organized? Do they contain topic sentences? Is the material in each paragraph relevant to the topic sentence? Have you checked the mechanics of your writing? Are the responses free of spelling errors? Does the punctuation help with clarity of thought? Is capitalization used correctly? Are the responses free of sentence errors? Are the responses free of subject-verb agreement errors? Other: Is the vocabulary you have used college-level? (Hint: it probably is if it reflects the vocabulary used by the instructor and/or the text) Are the words used accurately? Are the sentences varied in length and type? Content: Are there original insights provided? Are course concepts applied well? Have you provided evidence to support your conclusions? (In other words, have you demonstrated that you understand the course material and that you are able to effectively apply it to the â€Å"real world†.) Criteria: Format The student has properly formatted the paper with a cover sheet, Times New Roman, Arial, or other appropriate font. Ink color is black. Student used approved APA format and paper conforms to the minimal essentials of Standard American English grammar, word choice, spelling, and punctuation. 25% Comments: Criteria: Purpose/Audience The student has clearly delineated the purpose and audience for the paper by means of a clear focus. Student has created an adequate focus for the paper that is managed and developed appropriately for the assignment. Statement of purpose and subtopics are clearly organized to create a smooth presentation. Judgments and assertions are substantiated with evidence drawn from research. 25% Comments: Criteria: Argument/Analysis/Thesis Student demonstrates analytical skills by adequately expanding on the topic. Paper is neither too short, nor too long for the assignment The paper focuses on the presentation by means of a clear statement of purpose and logically organized subtopic paragraphs. The writer substantiates judgments and assertions with specific illustrations, facts, and evidence drawn from research appropriate to the assignment and to the discipline. 25% Comments: Criteria: Scholarship The writer has added to the on-going discussion of the topic with his or her own critical analysis, rather than simply repeating what others have said through quotation stacking, paraphrasing, or summaries. The writer draws upon research when necessary to support critical analysis or assertions made and properly acknowledges the work of others by using proper APA documentation format. 25% Comments: Criteria: Extra Credit Points (no more than 10 % of total grade) Student has provided at least one carefully proofread and documented draft. Documentation is an attached form from the Writing Center, completed at least 24 hours prior to due date. Points Earned: Comments: Final Comments: Grade: Calendar and Due Dates: ECE 001 Section 2210 EVC Date: Topic In Class Work Assignments Due Weekend Homework Week One 08/26- Welcome 08/26- Review Syllabus, Complete Station to Station Activity 08/26-Station to Station Card. Get text if you don’t already have it. Read chapter one, The Teacher by 09/09. Week Two 09/09- The Teacher 09/09- Review Chapter One: The Teacher 09/09-Chapter One Reflection Read Chapter Two by 09/16 Week Three 09/16- The Field 09/16-Careers and Programs. Licensing and Standards 09/16-Chapter Two Reflection Read Chapter Three prior to 09/23 Week Four 09/23-History and Models 09/23- History and Educational Models, in class work. In Class work only Read Chapter Eight and review the Observation Packet. Make appointments for four observations. Week Five 09/30-McCarthy Center Observation Meet at Palm Desert Campus by 1:00 pm. Room West Annex 1. Observation at McCarthy Center. Schedule of Observations. Complete Observation Essay and Packet, Due 10/07. Read Chapter Four and Five by 10/07. Week Six 10/08-Observing And Assessing 10/10-Child Development 10/07-Observing and Playing Make a child 10/10-Chapter Four Reflection Read Chapter Six and complete reflection. Week Seven 10/14-Guidance 10/14-Guidance PPT 10/14-Chapter Six Reflection Read Chapter Seven. Week Eight 10/21- Health and Safety 10/21-Is this place clean and safe? 10/21-Observation #2 packet and summary Read Chapter Nine and Complete Reflection Week Nine 10/28-Play!! 10/28-The importance of Play to Healthy Development and Learning 10/28-Chapter Nine Reflection Read Chapter Ten and Eleven Week Ten 11/04-Curriculum Planning 11/04-Curriculum Planning, Curriculum Models and DAP 11/04-Observation #3 packet and summary Read Chapter Twelve and complete Reflection Week Eleven 11/18-Inclusion and Universal Design 11/18- Inclusion of all children Universal Design for Learning 11/18- Chapter Twelve Reflection Read Chapter Thirteen and complete Reflection Week Twelve 11/25- Working with Families In class work only 11/18-Observation #4 packet and summary Chapter Thirteen Reflection Read Chapter Fourteen and begin Philosophy Statement and Education Plan Week Thirteen 12/02-Becoming a Professional 11/25- Philosophies and Education Plans Drafts of Philosophy Statements and Education Plans Complete Philosophy Statement; be sure it reflects your best work. Week Fourteen 12/09-Review of Important Class points 12/09-Becoming a Professional. Complete final work in class. 12/09- Philosophy Statement Complete Observation #5 and Education Plan/Portfolio Week Fifteen 12/16- Final – Wrapping it up. 12/16- What we learned in this class. Present education plan 12/16-Observation #5 packet and summary. Education Plan and Portfolio

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My Antonia Essay: Women on the Frontier -- My Antonia Essays

Women on the Frontier in My Ántonia In 1891, marking the elimination of "free land," the Census Bureau announced that the frontier no longer existed (Takaki, A Different Mirror, 225). The end of the frontier meant the constant impoverishment, instead of the wealth they had dreamed of, for a large number of immigrants from the Old World: they came too late. My Ántonia, however, illuminates another frontier, a frontier within America that most immigrants had to face. It was the frontier between "Americans" and "foreigners." The immigrants were still "foreign" to the "Americans" who came and settled earlier. They had to overcome the language and cultural barrier and struggle against the harsh conditions of life. The novel focuses on the ironic moment that the frontier spirit - a uniquely American one - is realized through "foreigners." Furthermore, it is women, the "hired girls," who are put in the foreground in the novel. What has made America is the foreign within, or rather, the foreign women on the fron tier. The division between the "Americans" and the "foreigners" is found throughout the novel. Even though naturalized, immigrants are still "Bohemians," "Russians," "Norwegians," and so on. They are foreigners in conception as Jim Burden's grandmother says, "If these foreigners [Norwegians] are so clannish, Mr. Bushy, we'll have to have an American graveyard that will be more liberal-minded...."(emphasis mine 73). According to her, the demarcation between foreigners and Americans is purely cultural: as far as foreigners are not clannish and liberal-minded like "Americans... the heterogeneity within one Bohemian-American family. Children learn Bohemian, the parents' mother tongue, first, and English when they go to school. They eat both American and Bohemian food. Mother from country and father from city, children are open to a wide experience than their parents. Ántonia's first daughter, although married and left the house, is another significant heterogeneity of the family. As the first Mormons scattered sunflowers seeds on their ways to freedom, Ántonia, a woman on the frontier, has raised many future citizens of America. Even though they claimed the end of the frontier, her children might confront another kind of frontier, but it is clear that it is not the same frontier on which their mother has had to stand. The frontier comes back, but always in a different shape.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Posada Amazonas

Problem: The commoners appear to suffer disproportionately from problems related to alcohol abuse (such as absenteeism, drunkenness, and theft). This hinders the Posada Amazonas’ smooth operation and its ability to improve service quality and occupancy. In fact, in any given year, turnover can easily reach 50%, with as many as six people leaving. Solutions: (1) Design and implement health-related programs to improve the well-being of the commoners. The community’s governing body will enact new rules and policies aimed at reducing alcohol abuse by, for example, passing resolutions prohibiting alcohol use among any employee of Posada Amazonas the day before any employee is scheduled to work. * Train a group of new community leaders to address substance abuse and other health issues facing the community. * Form committees to work on strategic plans addressing alcohol abuse. By form coalitions, the community can work together to solve health issues. (2) Create activities in each of the following primary areas: * Public Awareness/Community-Wide Prevention.Draw on native cultural traditions in the hopes that as people identify more with their heritage, they will be less likely to abuse alcohol or other substances. * Early Identification and Treatment. Create projects that seek to intervene with those at high risk. * Alcoholism Treatment and Aftercare. Focus on providing options for commoners returning from treatment, such as support groups and entering training programs. These programs will be funded by the net profit paid to the Ese'eja community by the Posada Amazonas project.If turnover can be eliminated, Posada Amazonas could create a working team to ensure a smooth operation for the lodge. Problem: Posada Amazonas’ approach to integrating the lodge into the community and how it trains and prepares the commoners for their jobs needs to be reevaluated. Solution: Maintain and increase the commoners’ involvement and stake in the lodge. Th e commoners form an integral part of the community, although their customs and attitudes toward vary somewhat from those of Rainforest Expeditions.This can be accomplished through: * Revised training methods and participation of indigenous community members in all lodge positions that will be more in line with their culture and values. * Community participation in all aspects of project design, management, and operations. * Combining wildlife conservation, management, and research practices to develop local natural attractions. * Monitoring and evaluation of the economic, ecological, and social impacts of tourism on the area and community * Enhancing and preserving indigenous cultural values.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

General Biology Ii Essay

I’m giving you a lecture note template rather than the ppt slides because the template takes less paper to print, includes tables that synthesize information from multiple slides, and includes blanks for you to fill in during in-class activities. IV. Practice Exam Questions These are questions similar to ones I will likely ask on the exam. Some of the questions are from past exams. V. Homework Assignment – This assignment covers the latter half of ecology and the first chapter of this unit. I. Learning Goals Overarching Content Goals: Students should be able to trace matter and energy across scales (cellular to organismal to ecosystem) and to use the laws of conservation of matter and energy in their reasoning. * trace molecules as they enter an organism as food or the building blocks of food (i. e. CO2 in plants) and follow those molecules as atoms are rearranged into the molecules used and stored in the body, and as they exit an organism and enter other organisms or the environment. * trace energy as it enters an organism as food or light (photoautotrophs) and should be able to follow the energy as it is converted to different forms (e. . chemical potential energy, heat) and trace energy as it exits an organism and enters another organism or the environment. * Explain body systems as mechanisms for transporting, transforming and conserving matter and energy (Ex. Discuss why temperature regulation is so important in plants and animals, and the costs and benefits of ectothermy and endothermy. )

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Adolescent Suicide essays

Adolescent Suicide essays Becoming a teacher, entering into a wonderful profession, also deals with many difficult issues. The problems faced by the adolescents of today has greatly changed, and even increased, from earlier times. Adolescent suicide is a dreadful, and ghastly problem that, as an educator, numerous will run into. It raises many questions: What are the statistics, and in what ways do children attempt to carry out a suicide? What are the reasons behind it? What are the warning signs to look for? Is there a difference between males and females? Does educating the children about suicide increase the rate? Are these children mentally ill or possibly depressed? What should be taken seriously? Is an attempt just seeking attention? What ways can a teacher, or a person close to them, help? The statistics, that scare any rational human being, involve a number and percentage that is much too large, and it is the second leading cause of death for adolescents among the ages of 15 to 19. It is also the second for college students, with homicide being the third. It is the fourth leading cause for those 10 to 14 years old, and the rate has more than tripled since the 1950s. As of September 1999, the rate was 13.8 per 100,000 children that committed suicide. For 10 to 14 year olds, from 1980 to 1992, it increased 120%. Although, over the last decade, it has gone up a total of 200%. Some of the ways these children either attempt or commit suicide depends on what is available. A myth that suicide is painless, glorifying it in the movies does not help, and it does not relate to the fact that many methods chosen are very painful. The reality is, pills, drugs, hangings, guns, or most of the many ways, involve agony and hurting. Having a firearm in the house also contributes to the chance that they will use it. Out of the suicide victims, ages 10 to 24, there are 64% that use a gun to complete the act. Just having a weapon in the ho...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bullying Case Study Analysis through the Major Psychology Studies

Bullying Case Study Analysis through the Major Psychology Studies Bullying Case Study Analysis through the Major Psychology Studies Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who went to school with children, studied in the university with other students or worked in an office with white collars. In fact, that doesn’t matter who, how old, and where she was. The thing is that she was kinda different, no matter how, maybe she was a bit taciturn, or liked a special type of food, or followed a separate religion, and because of that, Sarah often got picked on. Just because she was not like everyone else. Loads of people have been in Sarah’s shoes and got bullied because of the race, religion, social, gender or national differences, and, the chances are that they consider bullies the real villains. In some measure, that is the truth because every person has a choice. However, we would like you to have a look at the issue from a different perspective – the share of social impact on the bullying phenomenon. Stanford Prison Experiment Let’s consider any bullying case study in terms of the most popular psychological studies, and Stanford Prison Experiment is one of them. Regular students were placed in jail and were given roles: prisoners and guards. After some time, they got into the characters so much that guards assaulted prisoners psychologically and physically without any hints from the research team, and â€Å"convicts† accepted the abuse like normal behavior. After 6 days, the experiment was stopped. The result of the experiment stated that the reasons for such course of actions were not certain personalities of the participants or predisposition for violence, but the situation and environment were put in. Sounds familiar? The Third Wave Studying fascism in one of California high schools, students couldn’t understand how German people could have accepted the Nazi regime. In fact, they claimed that they would never join the movement willingly. To prove them wrong, the history teacher promoted some concepts mimicking certain peculiar features of the Nazi regime. After 5 days, the movement following these concepts got out of control, and the teacher gathered a meeting explaining what happened. Bullying appears as a result of stereotypes and standards set too high. The society itself produces bullies who pick on people refusing to follow the â€Å"correct† and approved by the majority rules. Asch Conformity Experiments Solomon Asch studied the phenomenon of people following the crowd. His most famous experiments consisted of placing real participants with fake ones. The real subjects of the studies had to give correct answers to different questions, but only after the fake ones had responded first (opting for a wrong variant). During the first sessions, participants answered correctly, but after some rounds, they followed the crowd and chose wrong variants. As you can see, these experiments prove the social nature of bullying. We don’t protect bullies by any means. We’re just saying that before blaming them for all the evil in the world, you should address bigger issues and raise people’s awareness about something like fakely set social standards if you really want to change the situation. Be smarter than those who follow the crowd. At service, we can provide you with case study analysis help from reliable writers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Importance of Radical Change in Management Practices Assignment

Importance of Radical Change in Management Practices - Assignment Example The concept of organization is a complex process that requires many factors that put into consideration and its successful attainment is an issue of time and in-depth critical assessment of various societal characteristics. It is worth noting that sound management skills are the backbone of any firm’s management. This should capture all the formal and informal interactive approaches in respect of the entire working and business environment. It is important to breakdown analysis of the components of such a successful organizational structure and function in the broader picture of the internal and external perspective. It is worth to underline the level of the organization in terms of the stage of development so that the approaches made are conformable with the challenges and issues present. An organization which has just begun an is still an infant in terms of all the aspects of operation requires less effort to turn around as compared to a firm that has existed for some time a nd has developed in-depth tradition in various departments within the employees, management and the general public. It therefore means that revitalizing an ongoing organization that has been in market for some time is the most relevant issue owing to the contemporary competitive global business market. A complete overhaul of the entire organizational policies has never been effective approach to deal with the challenges that are part of its performance. This means that the management has got to be patient and take ac systematic move in order of priority such that the image of the firm to the public is maintained as internal factors are gradually taken through reforms. The order of actions for rejuvenating the performance of an organization should begin with deeper diagnosis of all the factors that explains the position of the firm at that given time (Boonstra, 2004, pg328). This would form the basis of setting up the most pertinent issues that are key to the survival of the organiza tion as further adjustments are in progress.

Friday, November 1, 2019

How women experience battering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

How women experience battering - Essay Example At the same time, social ostracism, shame and sense of hopelessness discourages them to question the violence in the relationship. Another critical issue and probably the key factor that continues to hound women is their lack of confidence in their ability to survive without their partners. They often submerge their identity in order to maintain social norms and therefore become economically and emotionally dependent on partners who abuse them. Moreover, Battered women often fail to perceive the abuse as an act that needs to be addressed urgently and therefore become victims of circumstances. The abuse is also so discordant with their expectations of love filled life that they refuse to acknowledge it as such (Ferraro & Johnson, 1983). This results in low self esteem, depression and apathy that dissuade them to rationalize the violence as such and take corrective measures. Indeed, often lonely future also becomes crucial issue which does not let them take risks and remain in abusive

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The ethics of whistle-Blowing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The ethics of whistle-Blowing - Essay Example These are people within the organization that see violations in business policies and report them to the relevant authorities. Many things are brought about by this behavior, ranging from honest business practices to mistrust among co-workers. There are certain considerations that have to be made when reporting malpractices in the business. Whistleblowing affects the way the business relates to its environment, and the way co-workers relate with each other. Whistleblowing is the act of reporting a malpractice, wrongdoing or risk to the police, employer, customer, or a regulator (Davis, 2006). There are many instances, such as these found in an article about ethics by Verschoor (2013). An example of a case found in the article is one where an employee reported his employer for malpractices. In New York, Mohanbhai Ramchandani reported his employer and celebrity tailor Ramchandani for not reporting all of his profits in sales and taxes. According to Verschoor (2013), the employee was paid $1.1 million dollars for whistleblowing. Based on the analysis of this case, whistleblowing was the correct decision. This is because no one else can identify fraud apart from the people in the organization (Bouville, 2007). There could be acts involving corruption affecting, honest business practices that go against the law. Therefore, it is necessary for people to monitor business practices and report unhealthy business forms. The act of whistleblowing is an act involving business ethics that has its benefits and demerits (Davis, 2006). A benefit of whistleblowing is that it protects investors of businesses from people that look to mismanage money for their own benefits. Unsuspecting customers also benefit from people who report malpractices in business. For example, a whistleblower protects patients from a doctor who overcharges for services and uses questionable means in administering

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Socialt behandlingsarbete

Socialt behandlingsarbete 1. Min uppfattning à ¤r att Socialtjà ¤nstlagen à ¤r generellt sett en ramlag och som ger olika kommuner friheten att forma insatserna efter ortsbestà ¤mda villkor. Men man har, i och med lagen, fà ¥tt ett enormt stort ansvar som innebà ¤r skyldigheten att hjà ¤lpa mà ¤nniskor att leva ett †normalt† liv utifrà ¥n flera samhà ¤lleliga aspekter. Man har med andra ord helt enkelt skyldighet att hjà ¤lpa dem som behà ¶ver hjà ¤lp. Det som jag fà ¶rst lade mà ¤rke till och tycker à ¤r nà ¤mnvà ¤rt à ¤r att paragraf 1 i socialtjà ¤nstlagen à ¤r av rà ¤ttighetskaraktà ¤r. Kan inte jag, eller du, som invà ¥nare i Gislaveds kommun eller i Tomelilla pà ¥ nà ¥got annat sà ¤tt sà ¶rja fà ¶r và ¥ra egna behà ¶vligheter har vi rà ¤tt att fà ¥ stà ¶d, ekonomiskt och socialt bistà ¥nd och kontinuerlig tillfà ¶rsel i livet. Skulle man hindras denna rà ¤ttighet kan man à ¶verklaga till domstol. Det à ¤r inte bara dem som arbetar inom †socialenâ €  som beslutar utifrà ¥n socialtjà ¤nstlagen, utan à ¤ven praxis và ¤gleder. Min uppfattning à ¤r att hela denna lag à ¤r skapad utifrà ¥n ett và ¤lfà ¤rdsresonemang som fà ¶rsvarar mà ¤nniskor och ger dem en skà ¤lig levnadsnivà ¥. Det à ¤r liksom grundlà ¤ggande fà ¶r hela và ¥rt samhà ¤lle. Samhà ¤llets socialtjà ¤nst skall understà ¶dja den individuelles rà ¤tt till sysselsà ¤ttning, ett hem och skolunderbyggnad. Soc. eller socialen, som ocksà ¥ mà ¥nga kallar den, skall kanalisera sig pà ¥ att gà ¶rs sig oberoende och fà ¶rbà ¤ttra och stà ¤rka individuella mà ¤nniskors och gruppers egna resurser, och i arbetet skall man ta stor hà ¤nsyn till mà ¤nniskans sjà ¤lvbestà ¤mmanderà ¤tt, heder och integritet. Socialtjà ¤nsten ska vara bra fà ¶r mà ¤nniskor som behà ¶ver ekonomisk trygghet, likasà ¥ social trygghet samt arbeta fà ¶r att gynna jà ¤mlika levnadsvillkor och verksamt deltaga i samhà ¤llslivet. Om man là ¤ser fà ¶regà ¥en de mening en gà ¥ng till fà ¶rstà ¥r man den som en ramlag, vilket medfà ¶r att arbetet kan se olika ut i olika kommuner. Allt arbete, allt som socialtjà ¤nsten bidrar och arbetar efter à ¤r grundar sig i en demokratisk och solidarisk synsà ¤tt, vilket à ¤r stà ¥ndpunkten och den basala grunden till hela systemet. Socialtjà ¤nsten ska à ¤ven kà ¤nna till och vara insatt i de aktuella levnadsfà ¶rhà ¥llandena i kommunen, vara med i samhà ¤llsplaneringen och hjà ¤lpa fram bra miljà ¶er exempelvis genom att influera pà ¥ olika beslut om bostadsomrà ¥den. Miljà ¶n i samhà ¤llet ska vara tillfredstà ¤llande fà ¶r barn och ungdom, gamla och alla andra som behà ¶ver stà ¶ttning ifrà ¥n samhà ¤llets sida som alltid ska vara fà ¶retagsam i denna frà ¥ga. De à ¥tgà ¤rder socialtjà ¤nsten tar till skall vara av god kvalitet och personal skall vara tillgà ¤nglig och som à ¤ven ska ha en anvà ¤ndbar skolunderbyggnad och eller erfarenheter. Fà ¶r att uppnà ¥ mà ¥len i socialtjà ¤nstlagen arbetar kompetent personal sà ¥som socionomer, psykologer, behandligsassistenter och socialpedagoger med dessa frà ¥gor. Man vill framfà ¶rallt fà ¶rebygga sociala problem hos individer och grupper. Ett, vad vi definierar som socialt problem, kan vara allt ifrà ¥n att hamna i ungdomsgà ¤ng, psykisk instabilitet, missbruk eller kanske familjegrà ¤l. Det finns ett samspel mellan individ, grupp och miljà ¶. Sà ¤tts detta samspel i obalans skapas sà ¥ledes ett socialt problem. Nà ¤r det har uppstà ¥tt gà ¤ller det, ur ett socialt behandlingsarbete perspektiv, att upptà ¤cka den, behandla den och slutligen là ¶sa problemet. Fà ¶r att kunna gà ¶ra det arbetar man pà ¥ olika plan: individ- och familjeinriktat, mellanhand nà ¤r det gà ¤ller att finna utvà ¤gar fà ¶r enskilda, social direktion och planlà ¤ggning, social samverkan, och fà ¶rà ¤ndringsarbete av samhà ¤llet. Det sociala arbetet innehà ¥ller mycket ped agogik vilket i sig à ¤r ett enormt stort à ¤mne, men det innebà ¤r bland annat att kunna motivera mà ¤nniskor till utveckling. Man hjà ¤lper och ger stà ¶d och rà ¥dgivning till de mà ¤nniskor som à ¤r utsatta pà ¥ nà ¥got sà ¤tt. Man vill kunna utveckla en individs eller en grupps egna resurser och insatser à ¤r att man alltid praktiskt arbetar med de involverade, exempelvis ger dem rà ¥d, informerar pà ¥ olika offentliga platser, har olika samtal som rà ¶r problemet, ger budgetrà ¥dgivning, utreder familjefrà ¥gor sà ¥som adoption eller kanske và ¥rdad av barn, och ekonomiskt bistà ¥nd. Alla dessa insatser à ¤r olika verktyg fà ¶r att kunna uppfylla de mà ¥l som anges i socialtjà ¤nstlagen. Bistà ¥nd ges till mà ¤nniskor fà ¶r att kunna tillfà ¤lligt hjà ¤lpa mà ¤nniskor att ge ekonomisk trygg som i sin tur leder till jà ¤mlika levnadsvillkor i samhà ¤llet. Som fà ¶rà ¤lder kan man fà ¥ rà ¥dgivning till hur man hanterar ungdomar i tonà ¥ren, vilket bidrar social trygghet, och som framfà ¶r allt fà ¶rebygger ytterligare sociala problem. Man stà ¤rker alltsà ¥ och hjà ¤lper till att utveckla de egna resurserna hos en individ eller grupp. Nà ¤r man arbetar med individer sà ¤tter man upp và ¥rdplan som innehà ¥ller syfte och mà ¥lsà ¤ttning med behandling gemensamt med klienten. Man arbetar alltid med respekt fà ¶r individens sjà ¤lvbestà ¤mmande och integritet. Han eller hon ska ha mà ¶jlighet att và ¤lja vilken form av stà ¶d man à ¶nskar. Det kan hà ¤nda att andra organ i samhà ¤llet mà ¥ste blandas in i arbetet. Man fà ¶ljer vissa principer exempelvis frivillighet och sjà ¤lvbestà ¤mmande som innebà ¤r att dessa à ¤r và ¤gledande i handlà ¤ggningen och att klienten sjà ¤lv bestà ¤mmer om han eller hon vill ta emot en viss insats. Givetvis à ¤r inte socialtjà ¤nsten kravlà ¶s, men man fà ¶rsà ¶ker sà ¥ là ¥ngt det gà ¥r att respektera dessa tvà ¥ principer. Man mà ¥ste ha en helhe tssyn i sina handlà ¤gganden vilket innebà ¤r att man inte bara ser till problemet, utan ocksà ¥ att detta ses till fà ¶rhà ¥llandet till den sociala miljà ¶n klienten lever i. Hà ¤r brukar ofta andra organ i samhà ¤llet komma in. Mà ¥nga har kanske samma problem men mà ¶jligheter att exempelvis fà ¥ ett jobb eller en bostad à ¤r olika, som kanske visserligen hade là ¶st ett visst problem, men att alla inte har samma fà ¶rutsà ¤ttningar till att fà ¥ ett jobb eller bostad. Dà ¤rfà ¶r ser man alltid till en helhetssyn. Det finns mà ¥nga andra principer exempelvis normalisering eller nà ¤rhet. Man vill ju gà ¤rna inte bli stà ¤mplad i samhà ¤llet eller kanske utpekad, och dà ¤rfà ¶r anvà ¤nder socialtjà ¤nsten principen om normalisering nà ¤r man fà ¶rsà ¶ker uppfylla mà ¥l. Jag gillar principen om nà ¤rhet eftersom jag tror att arbetet effektiviseras enormt mycket nà ¤r man delvis arbetar i klienternas trygga hemmiljà ¶. Man gà ¶r en behandlingsplan som ska fà ¶rklara behandlingsmetoderna och dess à ¤ndamà ¥l. Nà ¤r man talar om allmà ¤nt inriktade insatser kan man sprida info till offentligheten pà ¥ olika sà ¤tt om att det finns en socialtjà ¤nstverkamhet. Insatser som verkar strukturellt kan vara att man deltar i samhà ¤llsplanering. Som sagt à ¤r det ramlag vi fà ¶ljer vilket innebà ¤r att det ser olika ut i hela landet. Det à ¤r alltsà ¥ socialtjà ¤nstens insatser i samhà ¤llet som skall frà ¤mja mà ¤nniskor, stà ¶d och rà ¥dgivning i en mà ¤ngd olika frà ¥gor, socialt och ekonomiskt bistà ¥nd. Socialtjà ¤nsten hjà ¤lper dem som har problem med kanske relationer, i familjen, pà ¥ jobbet, i skolan, missbruksproblem, sociala tvister, fà ¶rmedla kontakt med andra samhà ¤llsorgan, upplysa offentligheten i olika frà ¥gor m.m. Allt à ¤r gott med dessa insatser och de mà ¥l som lagstiftningen satt upp. Men jag fà ¶redrar att blotta verkligheten som den à ¤r. Jag là ¤mnar ingenting oprà ¶vat i verkligheten. Om man granskar 1 kap 1  § inser man snart att socialtjà ¤nsten har nà ¤stan hand om alla sociala frà ¥gor och vilken enorm mà ¤ngd mà ¤nniskor dem mà ¶ter varje dag. Socialtjà ¤nsten mà ¥ste inte bara hjà ¤lpa alla mà ¤nniskor med problem, utan ocksà ¥ stà ¤ndigt tillhandahà ¥lla kommunmedlemmarna med information. Är det dà ¥ mà ¶jligt att samtliga à ¤renden hos socialtjà ¤nsten fà ¥r ett gott resultat? Det tror jag verkligen inte! Nà ¤r en lag à ¤r sà ¥ pass omfattande som denna stà ¤lls verkligen socialtjà ¤nstens arbete pà ¥ sin spets, minst sagt. Det finns massvis med fall som uppmà ¤rksammats i media nà ¤r mà ¤nniskor blivit dà ¥ligt behandlande av socialtjà ¤nsten. Jag tror inte det beror pà ¥ lagstiftningen, utan hur socialtjà ¤nsten i vissa fall tolkar l agarna. Tà ¤nk dig att ditt livsà ¶de jongleras hos socialtjà ¤nsten, som det faktiskt gà ¶r p.g.a. deras ansvar, och att du mà ¥ste fà ¶rlita dig pà ¥ dem. Tà ¤nk dà ¥ vilka konsekvenser det fà ¥r om du fà ¥r en felbehandling. Detta à ¤r bà ¥de brist pà ¥ lagstiftning och kunskap. Myndighetsoffer som stà ¥r hjà ¤lplà ¶s har uppmà ¤rksammats i †kalla fakta† mà ¥nga, mà ¥nga gà ¥nger och det beror bland annat pà ¥ socialtjà ¤nstlagens ibland alltfà ¶r tunga mà ¥l: pensionà ¤rer som lever isolerat som samhà ¤llet inte bryr sig om, unga par som inte fà ¥r behà ¥lla sitt barn p.g.a. deras à ¥lder m.m. Ska jag vara helt à ¤rlig tror jag inte pà ¥ att alla som arbetar inom socialtjà ¤nsten strikt och plikttroget fà ¶ljer vad som stà ¥r i socialtjà ¤nstlagen. Myndighetsoffer à ¤r konsekvenser av slarv ifrà ¥n personal nà ¤r det handlar om att sà ¤tta sig in en klients fall. Mà ¥len à ¤r allomfattande och pekar tydligt pà ¥ vad socialtjà ¤nstlagen stà ¥r nà ¥gonstans. Nà ¤r man ser till missbruk inriktas lagen generellt till att reducera knarkandet, men helst avbryta det helt. Frivilligheten och rà ¤tt till sjà ¤lvbestà ¤mmande ser jag som viktiga và ¤gledningsprinciper i mà ¥lstrà ¤van. Man nà ¤mner inte ohà ¤lsa, men jag drar slutsatsen av att det som utgà ¶r hinder fà ¶r socialtjà ¤nstens mà ¥l kan vara en bidragande effekt till ohà ¤lsa, och att detta skall fà ¶rhindras? Alla insatser som gà ¶rs skall vara av hà ¶g kvalitet, och att man ska fà ¤sta avseende vid etiska perspektiv, och ekonomisprincipen ska beaktas givetvis. Nu menar jag inte att det handlar om snà ¥lhet, utan mera om stà ¶rsta mà ¶jliga effekt pà ¥ stà ¶rsta mà ¶jliga antal. Dà ¥ har man rà ¥d att hjà ¤lpa fler och fà ¶rdjupat arbete. Allt som gà ¶rs, alla insatser ska fà ¶lja ett mà ¥l. Mà ¥let poà ¤ngteras mycket har jag mà ¤rkt. Livskvalitete n ska nà ¤stan vara garanterad. Vad jag menar med †garanterad† à ¤r att det ska finnas en social situation som à ¤r ordnad. Det ekonomiska stà ¶det man fà ¥r là ¤gger tonvikten pà ¥ ett là ¥ngsiktigt uppehà ¤lle, och inte fà ¶r en kort period pà ¥ nà ¥gon dag. Fà ¶r ungdomar och yngre gà ¶r man ett tydligt stà ¤llningstagande som fokuserar pà ¥ stà ¤ndig utveckling, och att alla ska ha samma goda fà ¶rutsà ¤ttningar som innefattar uppfostran, skolning skydd frà ¥n à ¶vergrepp osv. Ã…lderstignare mà ¤nniskor ha rà ¤tt att bo sjà ¤lva och vara oberoende, om de sà ¥ à ¶nskar, och om fà ¶rutsà ¤ttningarna finns. Ännu en gà ¥ng betonas rà ¤tten till sjà ¤lvbestà ¤mmande och myndigheternas makt. Mà ¤nniskor som har nà ¥got funktionshinder ska fà ¥ sina sà ¤rskilda behov tillgodosedda och leva som vilken annan mà ¤nniska som helst i samhà ¤llet. 2. Nà ¤r man anvà ¤nder begreppet missbruk syftar man oftast pà ¥ en skadlig anvà ¤ndning eller misshantering av en beroendeframkallande farmaceutisk produkt som exempelvis droger och alkohol. Men det kan ocksà ¥ handla om mat, spel, sex och diverse andra saker som man kan miss-bruka. Konsekvenserna av ett missbruk kan leda till psykiska, fysiska, ekonomiska och social problem hos den direkt drabbade, d.v.s. missbrukaren sjà ¤lv och de nà ¤rmsta slà ¤ktingarna. Men de indirekt inblandade kan ocksà ¥ pà ¥verkas negativt som exempelvis arbetskamrater och lagkamraterna. En fà ¶ljd frà ¥n missbruk kan là ¤gga hinder i và ¤gen fà ¶r fà ¶rhà ¥llandet mellan missbrukaren och hans eller hennes omgivning. Det kan innefatta alltifrà ¥n jobb till privatekonomi. En missbrukare, à ¤r en mà ¤nniska som repetitionsvis brukar nà ¥got, exempelvis alkohol à ¶ver den mà ¤ngd som à ¤r kontrollerbar och riskerar att gà ¶ra sig sjà ¤lv och andra illa, direkt och indirekt. Om man exempelvis kà ¶r bil och samtidigt à ¤r drogpà ¥verkad sà ¤tter man andra trafikanters sà ¤kerhet pà ¥ spel, och inte endast sin egen. Ett annat sà ¤tt att beskriva ett missbruk à ¤r genom spelmissbruk. Om man gamblar sà ¥ pass mycket att spelaren anses tappa kontrollen à ¶ver sitt eget bruk, leder det inte bara till att det tryter i plà ¥nboken fà ¶r denne, utan bà ¤ddar ocksà ¥ fà ¶r psykiska besvà ¤r, som exempelvis depression eller till och med repetitionsmà ¤ssiga vredesutbrott pà ¥ ens egen familj. Alkohol, bà ¥de en trogen dryck till middagen och en festfixare, men ocksà ¥ và ¥rat lands stà ¶rsta folkhà ¤lsoproblem, sociala problem och beroendeframkallande medel. Jag kà ¤nner personligen ett par alkoholister och jag har samtalat med dem mà ¥nga gà ¥nger om deras missbruk. De har berà ¤ttat om konsekvensen av att vara en alkohol missbrukare som har lett till bà ¥de avsked frà ¥n jobbet och familjegrà ¤l. Ett alkoholmissbruk, eller alkoholism, giver sà ¥ledes konsekvenser bà ¥de fà ¶r en sjà ¤lv, och andra. En alkoholist har ingen kontroll à ¶ver hur mycket han eller hon konsumerar det beroendeframkallande medlet. Antingen vet man inte om det, eller sà ¥ har man slutat bry sig. Grà ¤nslinjen mellan missbruk och vanlig konsumtion à ¤r hà ¥rfin. Den som à ¤r alkoholist dricker stora mà ¤ngder alkohol upprepande gà ¥nger, mestadels flera gà ¥nger i veckan, beroende pà ¥ hur stor tillgà ¤ngligheten à ¤r, d.v.s. hur mycket pengar man har att là ¤gga pà ¥ sprit. Det ekonomiska problemet kan leda till ett annat problem, att man gà ¥r in pà ¥ macken och kà ¶per T-Rà ¶d eftersom det à ¤r billigare och effektivare, dricker det, och direkt fà ¥r fysiska konsekvenser. Problemen hà ¤nger ihop med varandra fà ¶r en missbrukare. Vem blir en alkolist? Det finns ingen som kan svara pà ¥ det, men det kan bero pà ¥ taskiga hemfà ¶rhà ¥llanden som socialt arv, psyksiska besvà ¤r, att exempelvis farsan druckit mycket, eller som vissa pà ¥stà ¥r, att det har genetiska orsaker. Det à ¤r kommunen som har ansvar fà ¶r att invà ¥narna fà ¥r hjà ¤lp och stà ¶d fà ¶r sitt missbruk (2 kap 2  § SoL). Socialtjà ¤nsten har skyldighet att som uppgift se till den som lider av alkoholism fà ¥r hjà ¤lp som ska leda till ett missbruksstopp. Det à ¤r socialtjà ¤nstens ansvar att planera samtidigt som man har en à ¶msesidig fà ¶rstà ¥else fà ¶r missbrukaren och socialtjà ¤nsten kommer att rà ¤tta sig efter planeringen ordentligt (5 kap 9  § SoL). Om man som missbrukare vill ha hjà ¤lp att bli fritt sitt missbruk hjà ¤lper en socialsekreterare till denna att là ¤gga fram en planering och insatser som passar missbrukaren. Det à ¤r viktigt att sà ¥ là ¥ngt som mà ¶jligt fà ¶lja de principer som socialtjà ¤nsten arbetar efter. Behandlingen kan se ut pà ¥ olika sà ¤tt eftersom alla fall behandlas olika. Ibland gà ¥r det bra med à ¶ppen och frivillig và ¥rd som kan innebà ¤ra exempelvis information, rà ¥dgivning, kontaktperson och behandling sklinik. Men ibland kan missbruket vara sà ¥ pass tungt att man mà ¥ste tvà ¥ngsvà ¥rda klienten, och tar dà ¥ stà ¶d av 2-3  § LVM. Meningen med tvà ¥ngsvà ¥rden à ¤r dock att motivera klienten till fortsatt frivillig behandling som inte à ¥terfinnes i LVM. Tvà ¥ngsvà ¥rd infà ¶rs om det exempelvis inte finns nà ¥gon annan metod eller insats som hjà ¤lper missbrukaren att komma ifrà ¥n sitt missbruk (4  § LVM). Nà ¤r socialtjà ¤nsten fà ¥r in en anmà ¤lan pà ¥bà ¶rjas en fà ¶rhandsbedà ¶mning. Utifrà ¥n den bedà ¶mer man om den drabbade behà ¶ver hjà ¤lp med eventuella missbruksbekymmer. Av mina egna erfarenheter av alkoholister vet jag att mà ¥nga av dem inte arbetar och inte behà ¶ver behandlingshem och bor sjà ¤lva. Dessa har sà ¥ledes ekonomiskt bistà ¥nd. (4 kap 1  § SoL) Hur pass stor effekt har socialtjà ¤nstens ansvar och insatser haft pà ¥ missbrukare och fungerar egentligen systemet som jag precis beskrivit? Fà ¶r att ta reda pà ¥ det granskade jag là ¤nsstyrelsens à ¥rliga rapport som visar att antalet missbrukare i samhà ¤llet har à ¶kat under 10-talet och att det rà ¥der stora brister i socialtjà ¤nstens arbete. 40 % av alla missbrukare har barn, vilket à ¤r orovà ¤ckande. Jag tror det beror mycket pà ¥ uppsà ¶kandearbetet, och att det à ¤r là ¤ttare sagt à ¤n gjort att motivera till và ¥rd och behandling. Jag vet sjà ¤lv att dà ¤r jag bor, i Gislaved, inleds inte behandlings av ungas missbruksproblem fà ¶rens missbruk har pà ¥gà ¥tt under en viss tid. Det beror inte pà ¥ att man inte vill behandla ungdomarna, utan mer fà ¶r att det inte gà ¥r att nà ¥ dem och upptà ¤cka problemen innan de bryter ut. Exempelvis har jag aldrig sett Socialstyrelsen nà ¥gon annanstans à ¤n i radio och TV. Det à ¤r dà ¤rfà ¶r kommu nens fel att handlà ¤ggarna inte fà ¥r mer gjort anser jag. Rapporten visar à ¤ven att det rà ¥der dà ¥ligt samarbete mellan de olika myndigheterna som skall samarbete med socialstyrelsen i frà ¥gan om missbrukare. Det finns ocksà ¥ brister i hur man là ¤gger upp ett à ¤rende och hur man gà ¶r olika prioriteringar. Avslutningsvis skulle jag vilja sà ¤ga att det inte à ¤r systemet som brister, utan personalen och deras arbetssà ¤tt som i vissa fall inte à ¤r tillrà ¤ckligt effektiva. Det à ¤r oerhà ¶rt và ¤sentligt att mà ¤ta konkreta effekter av socialstyrelsens mà ¥l fà ¶r att kunna fà ¥ ett bà ¤sta resultat. Frà ¥gan à ¤r bara vem som ska mà ¤ta dem, och hur? Ska det vara missbrukaren eller socialstyrelsen sjà ¤lva, missbrukarens familj eller nà ¥gon annan? Myndigheterna mà ¥ste samarbeta mer med varandra och vara bà ¤ttre pà ¥ att informera allmà ¤nheten om alkoholism, framfà ¶rallt fà ¶r unga mà ¤nniskor som à ¤r sà ¥ là ¤ttpà ¥verkade. Det hà ¤r à ¤r inte bara ett ansvar som socialstyrelsen skall ta pà ¥ sig enligt mig. Alla i samhà ¤llet ansvarar fà ¶r dem som lever i den.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Signalman and The Man with the Twisted Lip Essay -- Charles Dicken

The Signalman and The Man with the Twisted Lip Originally stories were sung or spoken and handed down through word of mouth from one person to another. There were thousands of traditional stories all over the world, from King Arthur and his knights of the round table in Britain to Hercules and the Gods on Mount Olympus in Greece. In the middle ages this was how stories were told, these stories were sometimes shown as plays, which many people could pay to watch. These plays were based on love, war and religion and were very popular with everyone. Some mystery plays were based on bible stories and shown throughout Europe. Others were based on the courtly love tradition where women were worshipped like Gods. In contrast other stories were shown as having the â€Å"damsel in distress† such as Robin Hood, with knights and a great battle of good versus evil. Some even took the myths and legends and included them in their stories; this could have been where princesses were saved from a beast such as a dragon or a small boy performing the colossal act of defeating a giant. The Signalman By Charles Dickens The setting is a railway line at the bottom of a steep cutting, where the sunlight â€Å"barely penetrated†. It was a â€Å"dark, dank, gloomy and depressing place near a tunnel with a red danger light at its entrance.† The signalman’s box was but a few hundred yards from the entrance of the tunnel, giving the impression that this is the last outpost of life before entering the tunnel, which could go down to the underworld. NB. In Ancient Greek legends, the entrance to Hades Underworld or death was often portrayed as a dark tunnel or cave. The main character is a signalman, he is working class but â€Å"educated beyon... ...The Man With The Twisted Lip Greed, deceit and shame changed Neville St Clairs life as he became something he wasn’t i.e. the beggar to gain more money; the deceit was the manner in which he gained the money, he developed a character by dressing up under a disguise, and shame if the high class society found out how he gained his money it would be social suicide for himself and his family 15. The characters willingly move towards their own doom. The Signalman focused on his job to keep the train safe, willingly tended to the red light near the entrance to the tunnel but was not focused enough on his own safety and so was cut down by the train The Man With The Twisted Lip Neville St Clair conscientiously chose to be a beggar and also would have willingly gone to prison or the executioner rather than have revealed the secret and disgraced his family.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why Tobacco Advertising Should Be Made Illigal

Tobacco advertising should be made illegal. First of all it is correspondent with growing death rate. In average, over 400  000 people die from tobacco usage every year. We should not support tobacco advertising when it is harmful to everyone. The only kind of advertising that has to deal with tobacco should be associated with stop smoking.Such advertising should help people to bring up smoking or should inform people about risks of smoking and about consequences that are involved. Comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising and promoting can result in a considerable reduction of tobacco consumption on a national level. Tobacco advertising should be banned from television, billboards, magazines, the internet and other places where one might find the advertising.Tobacco advertising is one of the worst kinds of advertising because it is pretty much telling everyone that it is okay to smoke because others are doing it also. Furthermore, tobacco advertising must be forbidden because it w ould be the most effective among teenagers, the easiest to be influenced by bad examples, fashions and emulation because of their psychological immaturity that lead them to adopt smoking as a mask to appear and feel themselves more adult.Tobacco advertising must be banned forever only thinking to how much the cures against cancer, too frequently useless, are expensive for the sanitary systems of all the world; these very high costs have surely never been paid by tobacco multinationals, except for the damages paid, after recent long trials, to a minimum part of the victims of this â€Å"trendy† and â€Å"safe† vice.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Compassion Fatigue Essay

― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me The health care industry is made up of nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals who are dedicated to the care and healing of others. The modern medical field is a very fast-paced, stressful, and demanding environment. Often, the constant stress and demands of the job can adversely affect the healthcare provider. Not surprisingly, those who go into the healthcare industry, do so because they have a sincere desire to make a difference in people’s lives and provide care for a patient’s spiritual, mental, and physical needs. However, this type of career requires energy and dedication way beyond that of other comparable careers. â€Å"Compassion fatigue† is a common side-effect. â€Å"Compassion fatigue† can be defined as, â€Å"the gradual decline of compassion over time as a result of caregivers being exposed to events that have traumatized their patients (Cherry 497).† In fact, the damage that results from this condition has been linked to more sick days, high turnover rates, and decreased productivity. If left untreated, this condition can adversely affect patient safety, so it is vital that hospitals and healthcare providers are able to accurately recognize compassion fatigue and treat it early. (Landro, L. 2012) Compassion is an important and critical gift necessary for the care of others. Compassion can be defined as, â€Å"sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it† (Merriam-Webster 2013). No one is immune to compassion fatigue. In fact, anyone caring for another person can suffer from it. However, compassion fatigue is more prevalent in the health care industry due to the extenuating nature of the work. The reality is that healthcare providers have an exhausting array of job duties that entail lengthy shifts, selfless service, endless dedication, love, and compassion. Due to the extreme demands, medical professionals often neglect their own personal needs for the sake of others. Every single day, healthcare professionals come face to face with disease, illness, decline in health, and death. Over time, it can be incredibly traumatizing. â€Å"Compassion is a verb.† ― Thich Nhat Hanh If not prevented or left untreated, â€Å"compassion fatigue† can negatively affect a caregiver emotionally, spiritually, cognitively, physically and behaviorally. Warning signs can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. The emotional effects of compassion fatigue can include mood disturbances, increased apathy, lassitude, irritability, discontentment, hopelessness, aggressiveness, hostility, numbness, and helplessness. (Eagan, T. 2012) Other signs may include oversensitivity, restlessness, depression, anxiety, and even substance abuse. (Lombardo, B., Eyre, C., 2011) The spiritual effects of compassion fatigue may often be harder to pinpoint. Warning signs may include subtle things such as starting to question one’s purpose in life, an increasing sense of disbelief or an increasing sense of aimlessness. (Ginter, C. 2010). The caregiver may start to question their personal religious beliefs, become increasingly skeptical and even question life’s meaning. (Portnoy, D. 2011) The cognitive effects of compassion fatigue can be easier to identify. It’s easy to observe when someone is having difficulty concentrating or is unable to focus on tasks and duties that are critical to the job. The work ethic and performance of the healthcare provider may also be affected, resulting in increased absences, low morale, decreased motivation, and overall negativity in the workplace. This not only affects the healthcare provider, but also their co-workers and patients. The physical effects of compassion fatigue can include, but are not limited to headaches, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and self neglect (poor diet, lack of exercise, poor hygiene). (Eagan, T. 2012) Other physical effects can include gastrointestinal complaints, hypertension, (Pfifferling, J., Gilley, K. 2000) muscle tension and cardiac symptoms (chest pain, tachycardia, and palpitations. (Lombardo, B., Eyre, C., 2011) Behavioral changes can include â€Å"isolating†, withdrawing, extreme hyper-vigilance, (Portnoy, D. 2011) apathy or extreme attention to work, avoiding, faking interest, blaming, restlessness, and even inappropriate humor (Ginter, C. 2010). â€Å"I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.† ― Mother Teresa, A Gift for God: Prayers and Meditations Although compassion fatigue can be an easy problem to identify, the specific causes of this condition are often varied and harder to pinpoint. The stressful nature of a healthcare career can certainly create â€Å"the perfect storm†. Overall, health care professionals can feel stressed about things like control over workload, lack of recognition or appreciation of doing a good job. Lifestyle changes can also cause compassion fatigue. If the person is working too much without taking time off to relax, taking on too much responsibility with no help from others, not getting enough sleep, or not having a supportive relationship in their personal life, it becomes easier for compassion fatigue to develop. People with certain personality traits (pessimistic, perfectionist, those who do not delegate, and type A, and overachievers) are particularly predisposed to experiencing compassion fatigue or burnout. The constant exposure to negative situations, stress, loss, and giving more than receiving, in addition to having a more intense personality, can increase the risk of developing compassion fatigue. (Frandsen, B. 2010) â€Å"Compassion fatigue is caused by empathy. It is the natural consequence of stress resulting from caring for and helping traumatized or suffering people† (Portnoy, D. 2011). In the medical field, nurses, doctors, and other health care providers often witness pain, suffering and death first-hand. They play numerous roles with less time, resources and support. The increased demands and stress along with the constant exposure to negative and traumatic events can build up over time and put anyone at risk for compassion fatigue. â€Å"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.† ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness A caregiver is not so different from a patient. Both caregiver and patient have physical, spiritual, and emotional needs that must be met. When their own needs are neglected, caregivers are unable to properly care for their patients. In short, they’re hurting themselves as well as the patients. Maintaining regular exercise, staying hydrated, staying productive, eating healthy and taking time to rest and relax are critical ways to reduce the chances of developing compassion fatigue. Although spiritual beliefs may be different from person to person, it is vital to nourish and grow in one’s faith. Those needs may be different depending on beliefs and may include going to church on a regular basis, taking the time to pray or meditate, speaking with a church leader, reading scriptures, or having time alone to reflect and think. There are many different ways a caregiver can begin to focus on their spiritual health. ( 2013) Emotional needs are another important area that should be nurtured. Emotional needs are just as important as physical and spiritual needs. A caregiver may need time to mentally unwind, have peace and quiet, laugh and cry, and â€Å"tune in† to their personal experiences and emotions. Taking short breaks to renew emotional energy and doing things that bring you joy and happiness are ways to increase and improve emotional health. ( 2013) By making sure the needs of the caregiver are met, the caregiver, patients, and even the company will benefit from it. There are many ways to cope with compassion fatigue. Perhaps the most important way of addressing the needs of the caregiver is to acknowledge compassion fatigue when necessary and take aggressive steps to assist caregivers in finding supportive coping strategies. Some coping strategies according to Varner, J. (2004) include: asking for assistance and support from peers or other support groups, staying positive, smiling and talking to peers, using humor to decrease anxiety and tension, giving comfort through physical contact, taking breaks with peers and not alone, using problem solving tools, generating solutions, and focusing specifically on tasks at hand. Learning how to balance work and life essentially means learning how to invest the time and energy into taking care of oneself in order to effectively take care of others. Putting together a plan of self-care (journaling, yoga, meditation, exercise, proper diet, doing things that you find pleasure in, and doing non work related activities) as well as educating yourself and others on communication skills is vital in preventing compassion fatigue. Employers can aid in combating compassion fatigue by offering on-site counseling, support groups, de-briefing sessions, and bereavement interventions (Boyle, D., 2011) that all work together to give employees the tools and skills needed for prevention. Early recognition of compassion fatigue is vital to anyone in a caring profession. Maintaining and constantly improving self-care and creating optimal wellness are crucial in order to properly care for others. .†Caregivers need to be able to deliver excellence without compromising their well-being†(Portnoy, D. 2011). Caregivers often neglect their own personal needs for the sake of others and need to realize the importance of focusing on their own needs first. By taking care of their own needs and ensuring they have a life that entails supportive relationships, health care providers will be able to successfully care for their patients long-term.